
vast-tools v2.2.1 released

From VastDB

Published on 06 May 2019, 12:00 by Webadmin
A new version of vast-tools has been released. You can find it in our GitHub repository.

This version incorporates new functionality and does not affect the core of any vast-tools module. Here is a changelog for the 2.2.1 version:

New features

  • The version of `vast-tools` used by each module is now printed when each process starts. In addition, a log file (`VTS_LOG_commands.txt`) is created in the output folder and registers version, date and main options used for each `vast-tools` run.
  • `compare` has a new option to remove Alt3 (ALTA) and Alt5 (ALTD) events with differential splice site usage if their overall impact in the transcript pool is predicted to be minor. Therefore, `compare` now requires that the alternative splice sites belong to an exon with a minimum inclusion level (~PSI) across ALL compared samples. This minimum PSI is set to 25 by default, and can be modified using the `--min_ALT_use` option. The equivalent value to previous versions is `--min_ALT_use 0`.

Post Approvaltrue +
Post AuthorWebadmin +
Post Publication date12:00:00, 6 May 2019 +
Post Tagvast-tools +
Post Titlevast-tools v2.2.1 released +